As part of Department for Education accreditation as an NPQ Provider we are committed to being transparent and sharing our performance against nationally set metrics.

Total number of participants recruited, for each NPQ offered, also expressed as a percentage of the target number.

Programme 17/18 Actual 17/18 % 18/19 to date 18/19 %
NPQML 209 52% 230 55%
NPQSL 107 28% 105 25%
NPQH 42 56% 42 42%
NPQEL 22 147% 0 0%

Total number of participants recruited from schools where 30% or more of the pupils are known to be eligible for Free School Meals, for each NPQ level offered, expressed as a percentage of the total number of participants recruited.

Programme 17/18 Actual 17/18 % 18/19 to date 18/19 % DfE Target 18/19
NPQML 44 21% 52 23% 11%
NPQSL 26 24% 22 21% 12%
NPQH 13 31% 7 18% 12%
NPQEL 6 27% 0 0% 13%

Total number of participants recruited that do not identify as White British, expressed as a percentage, for each NPQ level offered.

Programme 17/18 Actual 17/18 % 18/19 to date 18/19 % DfE Target 18/19
NPQML 61 31% 33 14% 9%
NPQSL 27 27% 18 17% 9%
NPQH 10 10% 9 23% 8%
NPQEL 3 14% 0 0% 5%

Proportion of participants that present for final assessment within 18 months of formally commencing their programme, expressed as a percentage, for each NPQ level offered.

Not able to report on this metric at this time.

Based on DfE external moderation we have 100% accuracy in assessments.

This information will be supplied by DfE and has not yet been published.

No data to report at this time.

The overall retention rate for each NPQ level offered and the retention rate for different groups.  The overall achievement rate for each NPQ level offered and the achievement rate for different groups.

No data to report at this time.